The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Some Links On Sexism

How to not be a douchebag.
By Valyrie Mia Stone.
“Blah blah blah, feminist. Blah blah blah, gendership. Blah blah blah- OH MY GOD, NIPPLE!” –Amanda Palmer.

Pretty soon, I am going to post an article I’m writing on feminism, but for now, here are some really cool videos and articles about it too, specifically in light of the nude photo stealing that’s been going on. I know it's a long list, so if you only watch one or two, make it the first and last ones. 

Rules for women; 

Sexual Objectification; (Laci Green also has a really great video about misogyny after the shooting by Elliot Rodger. It’s darker though, so watch at your own behest;

And hey, while we’re at it, here’s some street harassment stuff (Oh, Laci Green, you get it so right);

And Stuff Mom Never Told You with a great impression of a misogynist (yes, based on an actual, not sarcastic video) and a fabulous mustache; 

(the original video has this literal quote “crazy is measured 4-10, because of course there’s no such thing as a woman who’s not at least a 4 crazy.” Seriously.)

When the One Direction song “What Makes You Beautiful” came out, I disliked it, both on musical merit, and because I hated the message it sent to its young female target audience. No one at the time got this when I said it (“what so all girls should be narcissists?”), but here it’s put much more eloquently; 

Because when people oversexualize and diminish a woman to her body, sometimes you just need to be Amanda Palmer- “Blah blah blah, feminist. Blah blah blah, gendership. Blah blah blah- OH MY GOD, NIPPLE!”  (the Daily Mail reviewed a big show of hers, except they only talked about how her boob popped out instead of, I don’t know, her performance or ideologies or status as a human being. Her reaction is both fantastic and entirely NSFW.);
 (This one here shows her talking about the incident in her own words too, so if you’d like to hear her talk about it watch this one. The video quality is also worse, but in this case, you may prefer that)

Why slut-shaming doesn’t work on feminists; 

Gosh, does Daniel O’Brien ever say anything not fantastic?;

How to be less sexist; 

Sexism can limit men too, you know; 

Tedx Talk on the nonchalance of sexism. I know the Tedx Talks are kind of long, but it’s a good one (and her accent is great), so please watch. If you can’t, here are my favorite parts- “A single mother was sick of coldcallers asking for the man of the house, so she started putting on her 6-year-old son. Apparently he sings them I’m Sexy And I Know It… We heard from a woman who, now whenever someone screams ‘nice tits!’ at her on the street, she looks down at them and screams like she’s never seen them before.”; 

Another long Tedx Talk, about sexism in gaming. I love this guy, and I love his beard. Just watch this one, okay?;

And to end in a fist-pumping, mic-dropping rant for feminism is once again, Ms. Laci Green;