The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows
By: Nicolette Karter

 Popcorn with butter

On average, sequels aren’t on par with the previous installment. But, also on average, Robert Downey Jr. movies are fantastic, including the sequels. This movie started out slightly disappointing, though that could be due to high expectations. With a bit of time, the tale became as captivating as expected, and Downey Jr.’s Mr. Holmes was entertaining me at Dr. Watson’s expense. After avoiding a bomb and spontaneously throwing and ruining a forgotten bachelor party, “Sherly-No-Mates” had a word duel with the infuriatingly cunning Professor Moriarty.
Throughout the film the producers kept the voice-over slow-motion pre-butt-kicking thought process from the first movie, which I was really glad about. Although I could have done without a metaphor in the middle of the fight sequence during the bachelor party, but it makes sense they would mix it up a little, and RDJ can do no wrong. Dress like a woman? Push your best friend’s new wife out of a train? Nope, he still lacks the ability to do wrong.
After hunting down a gypsy (played by Noomi Rapace) and riding hilariously on a pony, Holmes and Watson (played by Jude Law, who makes a wonderful voice-over artist that reminded me of Lemony Snicket and had a mustache that slightly resembled a pompous dog one would find in Lady and the Tramp), they went head to head with Moriarty. After sustaining injuries, along with valuable information (stuff one would think Moriarty would hide a little better, but it is Sherlock), lots of explosions commenced.
After hitting the last stop on an eventful trip across Europe, Holmes’ weird brother Mycroft (what were their parents like?) helped them crash a peace treaty party. While Watson was watching for danger in the room full of people, Sherlock thought it would be a good idea to go out, alone, on the terrace of a really cool castle that could easily be on Cribz, and have a final battle of wits with his arch-nemesis. Here they reveal to each other all the secrets they were trying to keep, but the other knew about. SPOILER ALERT!!!! Like a little red book that has codes for all the money to Moriarty’s empire, what Moriarty’s up to, why Sherlock will never win (insert maniacal laugh), why Moriarty will never win (insert another maniacal laugh), etc… Then Sherlock make a sacrifice that is understandable, and I’m glad they put it in. I am also glad they had him live through it because I have a feeling any sequel to this would be just as well made, and entertaining.

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