The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Really, Glee?

Dear Glee, thanks for setting back the feminist movement 30 years in like 10 minutes.
By Valyrie Mia Stone

                 Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I was on vacation. I didn't go anywhere. It was just a laziness vacation. But I'm back now (from my couch), and I bring a review of most of an episode of Glee from like 2 weeks ago. Pretend I'm classy.

                So, I know I've comlained about Glee before, and I wasn't planning on doing it again so soon, but I am pretty mad about the "Sadie Hawkins" episode. Glee, I know you have gone downhill lately, but that was straight-up offensive. I had to stop watching. Literally, I only got far enough to see Tina ask Blaine out, and I was like "Excuse me, but I would rather go give myself root canal with a dull screwdriver than watch one more second of this".
                First off, what was up with Sam and Blaine? That whole weird chap-stick thing? I'm hoping that it came into play later, but I can't imagine any plot twist that would validate the uncomfortable 20 seconds that I had to spend watching Blaine watch someone put on his chap stick in a weird close-up. Maybe the cameraman has a chap-stick fetish. Who knows?
                But mostly, it was the entire idea of a Sadie Hawkins dance. Hey, Glee, it's not 1964. I don't know how else to say this- Women are permitted to ask men to school dances nowadays. Maybe you haven't heard, but we can also vote and own our own land. And wasn't it you who has had gay kids go to dances together? Yeah, it was. Which made this not only offensive to women, but also to the gay community. It simply didn't make sense. It felt like lazy writing, like Ryan Murphy was like "Look, I need to focus on American Horror story, so just write up an hour-long, terrible rip-off of an 80's movie, and we'll call it a day".
                 And why was it Tina's idea. I'm not a fan of Tina's, I find her to be whiny and annoying and as far as I'm concerned she could be completely written off the show. But it would appear that I don't hate her half as much as the writers. Why are they trying to make her look like an idiot? First there was the whole "Gee wiz, us gals will just have to sit around waiting for some nerd to ask us out for the prom, because no cool kids have ever asked out nerds before, especially on this show." But what was with the whole sing-inviting Blaine to go to the dance with her? Did she really forget? Kurt hasn't been gone for that long, and Blaine wears enough sweater-vests and short pants  to still make it obvious. At least he said no. I was afraid they were going to try to make Blaine straight. Which they kinda already did in season 2 with Rachel, but it made sense then.
                  Also, for the love of god, Finn is not a teacher! WHAT IS HE DOING!? I don't understand it! Also, the Glee Club lost, and so you don't need to keep showing up and making everyone uncomfortable. They should have had him go to a local school to get some kind of a degree in teaching, and then introduce him to teaching. This just feels forced, ridiculous, and illegal. Dumb former students cannot walk around like they work there. And stop with the ties. You just look like a 52-year-old accountant who keeps trying to make his terrible rock band work even though it's putting a strain on your marriage and you friends are all kind of over it.
                      I would like to take a moment to comment on the fact that New Girl seems to have pulled itsleft together. At the begining of the season, it was getting annoying, and I kinda stopped watching it, but I caught last week's episode, and aside from a few racial issues, it was doing better. Good for you, New Girl (take notes, Glee).
                      Also, I have yet to watch the return of Smash. I will when I get a chance, but what did you guys think? Is it better? Worse? Did you fall asleep? Do you not care? Would you prefer to talk about SNL? Cause I'm excited for Christoph Waltz too. Let me know guys!
                    Lastly, how pumped are you guys for the return of The Voice? I hate it when people dislike shows just becasue they are older. I know it's not in it's first season, but I think it's doing a pretty good job, considering. I don't know what to make of the new judges, though. It could go either way.

                                                                 Kisses, V.

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