The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Val's Oscar Picks!

Valyrie’s Oscar Picks-By: Valyrie Mia Stone

Hello! Tomorrow is the big day for us movie lovers! It’s like the Super Bowl, only the people involved wear awesome things and have talent. Now, remember, these aren’t who I think will win, it’s who I want to win. Enjoy, and leave your opinions below.

Visual Effects: The Avengers
No one really cares about these but the nominees and their moms. But I guess I’d say The Avengers, simply because they probably aren’t expecting it and it would mean the most to them.
Writing (adapted): Silver Linings Playbook
I really want this to win. It deserves it. I don’t even have anything funny to say here. (Insert your own Robert DeNiro joke here)
Writing (original): Django UnchainedWhenever this movie is nominated, I will want it to win. It was my favorite movie of the year.
Original Song: That one from Ted
I don’t even care what it’s called, I just want Seth MacFarlane to have an Oscar really bad. He deserves it, and people are going to trash him no matter how well he hosts the show, so he’s really going to need a win.
Makeup and Hairstyling: Les MiserablesHelena. Bonaham. Carter.
Costume Design: Snow White and the Huntsman
I didn’t find that movie all that great, but the costumes were the best of not only this year, but perhaps the decade.
Directing: Silver Linings PlaybookIf Life of Pi wins, I’m going to…well, I don’t actually care that much, but I’m going to be mediocrely disappointed! You know what, it’s funny, but aside from when Django is nominated, this year I’m not overly impassioned about most of the categories. Huh.
Actor in a Supporting Role: Christoph Waltz
Remember when I said I wasn’t overly impassioned about it this year? This is the big exception. De Niro was good, but I mean, it’s Christoph Waltz! He’s literally, in my opinion, in the top 3 actors of all time.
(For those who are curious:
5.-Gary Oldman
4.- Angelina Jolie
3.&2.- I don’t know which is 3rd and which is 2nd, but Robert Downey Jr. and Christoph Waltz
1.-Gene Wilder)
Actress in a Supporting Role: Anne Hathaway
She needs a win at the Oscars at some point(here’s looking at you, James Franco).
Actress in a Leading Role: Jennifer LawrenceI love you, Jessica Chastain, but Jennifer Lawrence was too perfect in Silver Linings. This is another one that I’m impassioned about (but not as much as Christoph Waltz).
Actor in a Leading Role: Jamie Foxx
Wait, he wasn’t nominates? No, don’t be silly, he had to have been nominated. I mean, he was the third best actor this year (Christoph and Jennifer, obviously), so clearly, they would have to be crazy not to nominate him. I mean, the only people crazy enough to not nominate Jamie Foxx would be people crazy enough to nominate Joaquin Phoenix…he was nominated? Wow, Academy, wow. Fine, put me down for Bradley Cooper. Because he knows how to be crazy and still be awesome (take notes, Oscar Voters)

Best Picture: Django Unchained
They won’t win. But they should. My fingers are crossed, Waltz!

To the categories I skipped, get more interesting (the same goes to Amour and Lincoln).
-Kisses, V.

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