The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Million Ways To Die In The West

A Million Ways To Die In The West

By: Nicolette Karter


        I know a lot of people don’t like Seth MacFarlane, but I think he is just so cool. And so is this movie. The people sitting behind us were so obviously stoned, it would have been annoying, but they were relatively quiet (enough) and it was pretty funny listening to them. At times; other times I wanted to smack them upside the head. But anyway, the movie was really funny. Sometimes it was stupid or raunchy or exactly what some people would expect from a Seth MacFarlane project. And as a leading actor, Seth did a really good job. Usually he’s just a behind the scenes or voice-over guy, but he’s a talented leading man. And more physical than one would expect from a guy who sits around writing jokes for a living.

        And the other actors were so funny! Plus there were so many cameos. Some famous stars didn’t have any lines, or were uncredited; a few I didn’t even know were there until I saw their names in the end credits. Like Ewan McGregor, I still wouldn’t know he was in it but I saw his name. In any case, MacFarlane plays a cowardly sheepherder (probably a “oh he’s so sheepish! Hahaha, I’m so clever” joke being made about that somewhere; sorry to bring your attention to such a terrible joke) who loses his fiancé, played by Amanda Seyfried, because he’s not man enough for her. So she run off & dates Neil Patrick Harris’ Foy, who is as perfect as NPH is. Also perfect? Foy’s mustache.

        This is when Anna (Charlize Theron) pops into town. She’s the wife of Liam Neeson-who plays Clinch, the best gunslinger around-and is hiding out in the town Albert (the main character) lives in. As a pretty girl, it is fairly easy to convince Albert to stay & learn from her the basic knowledge of guns. Like aiming, and not running away like a sissy. The chemistry that Seth and Charlize have plays out really well on camera, and helps the romantic element between the two seem more real and effortless. And she is so funny! I haven’t seen her do a lot of comedy, but I think she should do more because she did an awesome job with this.

        It helps that I like the script, and thought that it was a humorous movie. There were some jokes not exactly made in good taste, but the actors managed to pull it off wonderfully. Like, there is a scene with a hat, and oh my word you guys…I just want to bust a gut thinking about it. It is so gross, but in the funniest way; Neil Patrick Harris played it so well, I can’t imagine too many (if any) other actors doing that scene & having it come out as well. For those of you who have already seen it, I’m sure you’re laughing or at least smiling like I am. Here’s hoping you’re not in public, making an ass out of yourself & getting weird looks from a rather stuffy looking guy across the aisle. Whatever, he probably thinks I’m full of myself, thinking I’m thinking “Ho-ho, aren’t I just so funny”. Which I am, just not in a conceited way.

        To nutshell, the movie is funny and I recommend seeing it. Especially if you’re having a hard day/week, because sometimes (stupid) humor is best for people. Also, I feel bad for Seth MacFarlane, because he did a good job with this, and like no critics are saying he did. He’s Hollywood’s punching bag, even though he doesn’t always deserve to be. That said he’s filthy rich & got to kiss Charlize Theron, so never mind; he’s doing pretty well for himself.

        What do you guys want me to review next? And I’m having a hard time deciding who to do an actor profile on. I had thought about Tom Hiddleston or Gerard Butler maybe? They were some of the finalists; especially because I did a female last time (Dame Angelina Jolie), so I was thinking a man this time around. So tell me who or what you’d like me to write about next, and what you thought of the movie.

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