The tale of three cinematic aficionado's judging all things Hollywood while consuming more popcorn than humanly safe.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Corpse Bride

Corpse Bride
By Valyrie Mia Stone

Mediocre popcorn, but Tim Burton made it, so it’s okay.

One day, while walking the woods, a man of inproportionate limbs (Victor, played by Johnny Depp) was practicing his wedding vows to a woman he just met (Victoria) because their parents set up the marriage for money, even though they’re all equally broke. At the end of said vows, he put the ring on a hand-shaped limb. Yea, that’s right. Mr. Gangly put an expensive ring on a branch in the middle of a forest. What could go wrong from here? So then Emily (Helena Bonaham Carter) pops out of the ground with said irreplaceable ring on her finger. Oh, and she’s dead. Oops.

If this weren’t made by Tim Burton, it would suck. But, luckily, Mr. Burton has a way of making weird stuff work. The majority of this movie is Victor struggling with the fact that he actually likes Victoria, even though they just met, and doesn’t exactly know how to dump skeleton lady. I mean, chick be dead, so she doesn’t have a lot going for her right now. How can be all like “Hey, crazy dead girl I accidentally married in a forest even though it wasn’t ordained and we don’t have a marriage license, I think we should take some space”? It’s not even like she could kill herself. You know, ‘cause she’s dead.

The best part about this is Danny Elfman’s musical numbers. One in particular ‘Die, Die, We All Pass Away’ is really catchy, and it’s sung by Elfman’s character, Bonejangles. It’s jazzy and fun, and explains what happened to Emily, so that’s good.

I don’t want to give away the ending, but it kinda sucks. It made me sad. And I didn’t care for Victoria. Seriously, it’s her against a literal corpse. How is she more frigid? (zang!)

                                                                  -Kisses, V.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Phantom Of The Opera

Phantom of the Opera
By: Nicolette Karter
Please note this is the 2004 version

        I love musicals, & this is a favorite of many people, for good reason. It was originally a book, by Gaston Leroux, and Andrew Lloyd Webber read it, thought “What if they sang everything?” & composed the music for it, adding some artistic differences in the plot along the way.
        As a lot of people know, this is not only a movie, but also a play, & on Broadway! It was a play before it was a movie, & is the longest running musical on Broadway. This version is a remake of the 1989 movie, which featured Sarah Brightman as Christine (who was married to Webber at the time). This time around, she is played by Emmy Rossum, who was 16 at the time this was filmed. She, like the rest of the cast, did her own singing in the movie, and I am really jealous of her pipes. I’m surprised humans can hear some of the notes she can sing, let alone someone being able to sing them.
        In the movie, she is a talented chorus girl with the opera house who gets her time to shine when the new owners of the esteemed theater (along with pranks from the Phantom) make the resident soprano leave, which is not altogether bad seeing as she’s a pretentious bitch. Christine is offered by her mother figure (Madame Giry, the ballet teacher) as a wonderful singer, & the show went on with her in the lead. This pleased the Phantom (who’s been training her in singing secretly since she was a girl) so much he decides she should be the lead in all the plays they put on. But, the bitch-whose name is Carlotta played by Minnie Driver-won’t hear of it (but more on that fiasco later).
        After her breakout performance, Christine is enchanted to follow the Phantom (who finally makes himself known to her, or anyone, come to think of it) to his not so humble abode under the theater. Side note, his place should seriously be on cribs: movie edition. I don’t know about the original movie, but his place in this one is awesome; I’m insanely jealous & you should look up this link because it shows off Gerard Butler (the Phantom) singing while showing his place to Christine; which brings me out of my side note. So, the Phantom & Christine get acquainted, but then she finds out he’s weirdly obsessed with her, & faints from both exhaustion & shock.
        When she comes to the next day, she finds that 1.) The Phantom does NOT like his mask to be taken off (what mask wearer does, really?) 2.) Carlotta wants her lead soprano role back, & will be a huge, stubborn diva about it 3.) Her childhood sweetheart/the theater’s pocketbook loves her 4.) The Phantom was busy making threatening plans for her to be in the limelight constantly while making everyone else mad. After going against the Phantom’s wishes, the new owners (& everyone but Christine & Madame Giry) learn not to do that again. One vocal paralysis & murder later, Christine & Raoul (the childhood sweetheart I mentioned played by Patrick Wilson) got engaged & the Phantom made ominous & vengeful plans involving song & dance.
        This is about the time the chandelier crashes, more people die, the opera house goes down (reputation-wise & literally flame-wise), & other dramatic events occur. The best part is the fact that they happen in choreographed song! Anatole read the book & said that it sucks & gave the Phantom no redeemable qualities & Christine was “just blah”. These are the nice critiques, so it’s a safe bet you’d enjoy the movie better than the “just…just terrible” book.
        What did you think of this movie? Have you read the book, seen a different version of this film, or even the play? Tell me what you think of this. (This is a Halloween review, for the raffle)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halloween Reviews Raffle!

Hello everyone! I'm Anatole, and I just wanted to make sure everyone was fully aware of our Halloween Reviews Raffle! Here's how it works-

                         -Step 1: Read one of our Halloween Reviews. This includes the following posts:   
                                            Young Frankenstein
                                           The Phantom of the Opera
                                           Willy Wonka
                                           The Nightmare Before Christmas
                                           Also, This Post.

*Some have not come out yet        **Subject to Change

                               -Step 2: Comment! Otherwise we won't know of your existance!

                    -Step 3: Continue commenting until October 30th at 11:59 p.m. est. You can enter as many times as you'd like.

The winner will have their blog mentioned in our Halloween Post. If you do not have a blog, we will just say nice things about you. We'd love to do cooler prizes, but we're broke. Sorry. Hey, you can't put a price on compliments (yes you can).

You can also comment on my blog Artsy Fartsy ( to be entered.

                                               ~Love and wishes of priceless compliments to you all,    Anatole.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sexiest Man Alive

Sexiest Man Alive Possibilities
By: Nicolette Karter

        So, I’m not sure who will be the crowned winner of hot-ness, but I compiled a list of possibilities, and I narrowed it down to the top three that I think it could be. I am not basing my opinions on my personal favorites, but on several factors, like: how they appeal to the public, how much media time they received, what and how many projects they were in, and some other, smaller factors. Pictures from Google.
        So, one of my top three guys is Channing Tatum. He was in several movies this year, and they all did really well, and with different genres. The Vow (Feb.) was a romantic drama, while Magic Mike (July) was a movie that’s just as good if you watch it on mute. While his face isn’t the most gorgeous thing to grace the Earth for all time (think Matt Bomer’s face), he’s still handsome, and has a charm about him that is endearing. Also, he demonstrated how funny he is in the hilarious action reboot 21 Jump Street (March). And in both Magic Mike & 21 Jump Street, he showed off how physical he’ll get in a movie, which is just fantastic for us girls watching.
        Our next contender is the awesome Aussie Chris Hemsworth. After breaking out in Thor, he reprised the role this year in the Avengers (May). He also starred in Snow White and the Huntsman (June), but I’ll forgive him for the thin script because he played his part well. While he hasn’t been in Hollywood as long as Channing Tatum, his deep voice, his eyes, his accent & smile all rolled into an adorable face makes him quite popular, even with men.
        And, although the crowned sexy man is usually a movie star, what’s sexier than a rock star? Kind of an underdog is our 3rd bachelor, Adam Levine. He’s the front man for Maroon 5, a pretty popular band who recently released another album, Overexposed (July). He is also a coach on the singing competition show The Voice (in season), and if you watch 10 minutes of it, you’ll see how the crowd loves him, and how eccentric he is. He is also on the hit American Horror Story: Asylum. He’s a star in & out of his band, & the lyric “Baby there you go again/there you go again making me love you” from One More Night fits him perfectly.
        Now, I could be totally wrong about one of these guys wining the title of Sexiest Man Alive, but I think we can all agree they are sexy, even if the people deciding who wins somehow find someone better. What about you? Who do you think could win this? Do you disagree with my group of possibilities, and thought of someone I may have never even considered? Please tell me if you can think of a shoe-in for this, I would love to Google him. And, yes that sounded less creepy in my head.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Zombie Land
By: Nicolette Karter

        As I’ve said in the past, I’m not a huge fan of horror films, but this isn’t really one in my opinion; it’s kind of mild for it to be considered horror. It’s gory, yes, but I can stomach this. Plus it’s funny & has Woody Harrelson, so I’ll live with any amount of gore there may be in it.
        The basic premise of this is a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies, & how to live through it. There are 4 human (non-zombie) characters, lead by the meek Jesse Eisenberg (Columbus). He meets the hilarious Woody Harrelson (Tallahassee), sarcastic Emma Stone (Wichita), and the precocious Abigail Breslin (Little Rock). The reason these characters are named after towns is because they don’t want to get attached to each other, but they become friends because who doesn’t make friends in a zombie-ridden world? Anyway, I thought the make-up was really well done, and the acting was good too. The script is probably one of my favorite parts of this film because the writers managed to make this into a gory comedy, which is fun for this time of year. (Or anytime, really; but especially Halloween)
        So, the writers (& Woody Harrelson) somehow made a man who’s on a quest for the last Twinkie, snarky, foul-mouthed, & a great zombie-killer a bad-ass. If that character wasn’t done just so, then Tallahassee would have been an incredibly stupid person & dragged the whole film quality down. I love when film-makers take risks on scripts & characters, & manage to pull it off; it really speaks to their skills to turn something that could flop horribly into something awesome.
        Speaking of something horrible, that reminds me that there was a cameo by Bill Murray, who played himself. The gang is headed to some park in California, & on the way makes a pit stop in Hollywood, & they decide to crash at a celebrity’s house. The house, well mansion really, belonged to Bill Murray, who is still a human, & dresses up as a zombie so e blends in. Which is actually smart, & it works, so good for him. As expected, people still have a sense of humor while hiding from human-eating zombies, & Tallahassee, Wichita, & Bill Murray play a prank on Columbus & Little Rock. This is one of those situations that starts with “You know what we should do?” & ends with “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” So, in his zombie make-up & attire, Mr. Murray sneaks up on Columbus & Little Rock, who don’t know he’s a human. Sounds like a good prank, right? Well as a meek, overly-cautious young man/boy, Columbus always has a loaded gun around him, & shoots the oncoming zombie. Not sounding so good anymore, uh Bill Murray? That is the end of Bill Murray’s role in this film. It sounds bad, but it was actually really funny. (Unless you’re Bill Murray, I guess.)
        So, remember how I mentioned they are going to a park? This is the location of the climax, where there is a big fight with zombies. And the best part is the humans used the rides & booths in the fight. Creative & entertaining! Much like the whole movie. Just because of this, I’m tempted to mail Woody Harrelson a Twinkie, but that would be creepy and I don’t know his address.
        So, I would totally recommend this movie, it’s funny, well-made, & perfect for this time of year. What did you guys think of this movie? Was it awesome or do you shy away from movies with even a little gore in it? In which case, I wish you luck this Halloween season.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


“I can’t unlock the door without the key!”
By: Anatole Moreau

Caramel Corn.

Hello! I’m Anatole. As the second part of our Halloween Reviews, I will be doing the deliciously 80’s Clue. Now, you may notice that none of our Halloween Reviews movies are actually horror. Or even remotely frightening. But that’s because horror movies suck. I will never understand their draw. The scariest movie I’ve seen is The Phantom of the Opera, and that was only because it’s a musical.
Anyways, for those of you who haven’t seen Clue, go watch it. It’s fantastic. The cast alone is fantastic; Tim Curry (Wadsworth), Madeline Kahn (Mrs. White), Christopher Lloyd (Professor Plum), Eileen Brennan (Mrs. Peacock), Michael McKean (Mr. Green), Martin Mull (Colonel Mustard), Colleen Camp (Yvette), and Lesley Ann Warren (Miss Scarlet).
So, all our color-named friends are invited to this creepy mansion, and for some reason they all decide to attend even though they have no idea who the host is. Wadsworth, the butler (“What exactly do you do, sir?” “Well, I butle.”) is there too, as is Yvette, the maid, and a chef whose name I do not remember. Was she just chef? Did she even have a name? Eh, who knows (um, Google does).
Also there is Mr. Body, who is sort of a huge jerk. Not in like an underdog-who-you-love-even-though-he’s-a-jerk-like-Chuck-Bass-on-Gossip-Girl-kind-of-way, but just a full-on jerk. So, it is revealed that they are all being blackmailed, and the blackmailer is Mr. Body (you jerk). Then Mr. Body says “Just let me get my bag from the hall” in the single creepiest way possible, and gives everyone a weapon (see the list of weapons in the board game) in the hopes that someone will kill Wadsworth, and their secrets will die with him. He turns off the lights, and after some strange noises, Mrs. Peacock turns them back on and Mr. Body is lying the ground dead.
Well, Jerk, what did you expect? “Hey everybody, I’m the one blackmailing you! Now, here’s a bunch of weapons!” isn’t exactly a solid life plan.
This movie is full of witty retorts, running in groups down hallways, and so many dead bodies that even they stop getting freaked out by it (sorry chef, you’re next! So is a singing telegram in one of the movies funnier moments- “I am your singing telegram!” Bang!).
I don’t want to reveal too much about it for our friends whom have yet to see it, but leave your favorite quote from the movie in the comments and we’ll enter you in our Halloween Reviews Raffle.
What is the Halloween Reviews Raffle, you ask? Good question, I answer! If you comment on any of our Halloween Reviews, you will be entered into it. For the winner, we will mention your blog in our next post (if you don’t have a blog, then we’ll just say something nice about you. Maybe we’ll compliment your hat. Who knows?).
I know, I know, it’s kind of a sucky prize. But, hey, if you start commenting and spreading the word, then we will get more popular and can give you better prizes, like a bunch of candy, or some money, or a new car! (hey, you never know).
So, PLEASE leave a comment! I beg it of you! We just want to know that someone out there has read this.

                             ~Love and wishes of new cars to you all,                                                 Anatole

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride
By: Nicolette Karter

        I don’t even remember the first time I watched this, that is how long I’ve been watching this movie. I get a thrill every time I see this, & I’ve been watching this my whole life.
        I heard that when this first came out in 1987, only a few people liked it; it opened in 16th on its first box office. Ouch. But now it’s a modern day classic & almost everyone has at least heard of it, if not seen it. (I bet the John Carter filmmakers are hoping for that scenario, uh?) And everyone I know who’s seen this absolutely loves it; I know someone my age that has a shirt with Mandy Patinkin’s famous “You killed my father” line on it.
In the credits it says that this was based on a book by William Goldman, and he also wrote the screenplay so that the movie did his book justice. Although I have yet to read this book, I think everyone involved with the production of this stayed true to the book. I read that it took 14 years to get this made from book to movie because Mr. Goldman took so much time & care on choosing the people who would be a part of it, like the director, Rob Reiner. I like that Mr. Goldman took such pride in his work. As a writer he took care in his book, and even though some writers snub their noses at movies because it’s “selling out” or something, he also took care that his movie was as wonderful as it could be.
Speaking of wonderful things, I also read that when Billy Crystal was doing his scene as Miracle Max, people had to leave the set because he was so funny. Apparently a lot of the lines were ad-libbed by him, and Rob Reiner (the director, as I said) had to leave the set during his scene because he would laugh so much & so hard that he would get sick &/or ruin the take. And Mr. Pantinkin says he got a bruised rib from holding in his laughter. I love Billy Crystal so much, he is hilarious.
But, really this whole movie is funny (at least at times). Which is nice, because this is a romance with some sinister characters and dramatic scenes, yet the filmmakers managed to keep it humorous. I credit some of that to the interjections by the Grandson & Grandfather. Again, I haven’t read the book, but I assume it doesn’t start out with someone reading a book to someone else. And, seeing as this was based on a book, it was a really cool way to introduce the story & interject some plot points that may not have adapted onto the screen very well, not to mention add more wit.
And apparently they edited out some more gore-y details, and now it’s PG; so kids can enjoy this as well, which is nice because it’s a nice fairy tale that people of all ages can take pleasure in. It’s especially nice because I heard that Mr. Goldman was having a bit of writers block before this, & asked his 2 daughters what his book should be about. One said princesses & one said brides, so I’ll go out on a limb & guess he took the advice. Seeing as he kind of wrote it with his daughters (probably quite young, based on the answers they gave) in mind, it’s nice this was a movie little kids can watch. But I’m not a little kid & still watch it, even without a little kid around as an excuse to see this; which is either a compliment to the filmmakers or a problem I should see someone about.
What about you, reader? This is not really a review or a critique so much as me just talking & I’m sorry if you are disappointed by that, but what do you think of the movie? Are you obsessed like me? Or possibly a whippersnapper who has no idea what I’m talking about? Either way, if you haven’t seen this movie, do because it’s fantastic.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Glee, season 4

Britney, Blam, and Break-ups
Season 4 of Glee
By Valyrie Mia Stone.

 Popcorn that isn’t exactly bad, it’s just way too salty. And way too anti-Klaine-y.

Glee has returned. A few weeks ago, actually, but I’m lumping the first clump of episodes together before they go on break. Because they simply couldn’t have an episode a week consistently. It’s like they put out 4 or 5, and then they get tired and have to take a month-long nap. It’s ridiculous. Even I don’t take month-long laps.

The first episode, The New Rachel, welcomed some newcomers. There’s Jake “Just Jake” Puckerman, who is Puck’s half brother, which had a few plot holes just by itself. Like how does Jake know about having an almost-sibling when Puck doesn’t? And have they always lived in the same town, because it’s pretty small and how could they have not met? And do they realize that they can’t replace Puck with an annoying, vaguely younger half-brother? Because they can’t and they should know that.

Then there’s Marley, who is so boring, that my fingers are going numb from typing about her. And, for some reason, there’s Kitty, who is apparently designed to be their only un-relatable character, who has no redeemable qualities or likeability in any fashion. She seems like the attempted combination of Quinn and Sue, but without the decency to get pregnant or eloquently and humorously insult someone 18 times in a single sentence. Not that she doesn’t try. To insult, that is (see every sentence that’s ever left her mouth). She has the insult part down, but they aren’t funny or witty or pertinent or fast enough and YOU WILL NEVER BE SUE! Also, the only person who can pull off the name “Kitty” is from That 70’s Show.

So these three characters have a unique and never before seen plot. The nerdy, unpopular girl only feels at home in Glee Club, and so does the guy she’s in love with, who she says barely even knows she’s alive even though they’ve had multiple meaningful conversations/songs they both know all the words to. But he has a cheerleader girlfriend who hates the Glee Club, and especially Nerd Chick. But then he ends up leaving Cheerleader Chick for Glee Chick.

Oh, I’m sorry I accidentally put the synopsis for Rachel, Fin, and Quinn in season 1. For Marley, Jake, and Kitty, it’s this:
The nerdy, unpopular girl only feels at home in Glee Club, and so does the guy she’s in love with, who she says barely even knows she’s alive even though they’ve had multiple meaningful conversations/song they both know all the words to. But he has a cheerleader girlfriend who hates the Glee Club, and especially Nerd Chick. But then he ends up leaving Cheerleader Chick for Glee Chick.

Yeah. That happened.

I make fun, but seriously, not only should they not have re-done that whole fiasco (which is also the plotline to every 80’s teen movie ever made), but more than anything, they shouldn’t have clumped the three newbie’s together. Us Glee fans don’t like newcomers in the first place, and that secluded them even more. It feels like periodically throughout Glee, they accidentally air a different show entirely. And that show is called “Knock-off Glee”. And that show sucks.

In season 2 they did a good job of weaving in newbie’s. Sam, Blaine, Beiste (who disappeared this season…). But in season 3, they started to slip. Like Sugar, who insults everyone with Asperger’s. And, for some reason, has the name of “Sugar”. And now they just repeat plotlines and seclude them from anything else going on in the show.

So, until Marley and Sam start a salacious affair, I’m simply going to ignore them.

I would like to take a moment to point out that Rory McLeprechaun disappeared. A lot of other characters weren’t here, but they graduated, and we knew they left. Rory was getting “deported”, but it was painfully obvious he was lying about it. So why write him off without even mentioning it once. Not even a “So, he seriously got deported, so we need more members”.

More members. That reminds me. Now that the Glee Club won a national championship, they’re really popular. Because that’s how that works. So now everybody wants to be in Glee Club. But somehow there are only two people who have any sort of talent at all in that school who wasn’t already in Glee. And I’ve already said that I’m ignoring both of them. Marley and Jake were both pretty good, but Jake was cut off for time (and she wasn’t?) and then he got mediocrely angry and pushed over a music stand. And that is totally unforgivable. But my point is, they only let Marley in. But they need a lot more members. They should be able to get over a short temper. And since when are they picky about auditions?

Also new to the club is Unique. You know, that drag queen from last season. Because, even though they tormented Kurt for just being gay, this school has no problem with a new kid in a dress and heels. Also, he is really getting on my nerves. I’m not sure why, but he is.

So, after a plotline about Kurt not being in New York for a little while that I’m just going to skip over, he and Rachel get an apartment in NYC together. She’s going to NYADA and has the world’s most perfect dance teacher (Kate Hudson). There’s also this guy Brody, who is basically in love with her after meeting in the shower (not as weird as it sounds). Kurt works at and his boss is Sarah Jessica Parker. More on them later.

They did a repeat of Britney Week because Brittany was in a spiraling depression because Santana is in college. Now, I get that that sucks, but they are victimizing her and Blaine because Santana and Kurt graduated. What did they think was going to happen? They’d just follow them to their classes for a year? They have stuff to do. Get over yourselves. Anyway, there was this tender moment between Brittany and Sam after he knew that her depression was only to make a comeback (really?), and it sort of implied a future romance between the two, which is running the risk of dashing my Marley/Sam dreams. Only time will tell…

In the third episode, Blaine was running against Brittany for senior president. I’m just going to look over the fact that Britt was held back and therefore should not be allowed to be senior class president. They each have a running mate (which Sue pointed out was new and unprovoked. Thank you Sue.), Britt is with Artie and Blaine is with Sam. Long story short, Blam (well, I’m not going to call them Saine) won. Shocker. There was also some progress with Rachel-Brody and just as they kissed, Finn shows up at her door.

Now, was I the only one who thought they broke up? Because I think once you take your fiancée to the train station instead of the chapel on your wedding day, it’s official enough to write a terrible country song about (I think that’s on Taylor Swift’s new album…). But apparently, they’re still a thing. To answer all your Finn-related questions right now, he shot himself in the leg in military training, backpacked for awhile, and now shows up like he was invited. He finds out that she kissed Brody (what did he think when he walked in on the two of them with candles and alcohol and guilt?) and got unreasonably angry with her (hey, honey, you remember that time you put me on a train instead of marrying me? Well, now we’re even) and then left the next morning before she woke up. Classy.

They weren’t the only ones with relationship problems, Will and Emma, who I haven’t really cared about since season 2, are in a fight. He’s doing some political thing (what about Burt?) and now that he’s moving, he just assumes that she’s going along for the ride. They both got unnecessarily upset about it, as he seems to be doing a lot lately, and now who knows what’s going on.

Also, Santana and Brittany broke up because Santana is smart enough to know that long-distance relationships tend to not work.

Then there was Klaine. Blaine is all upset because he feels like Kurt left him (see my earlier rant about this, but I will admit he did change schools for him, but still, he knew then that Kurt would eventually graduate) and so after Kurt can’t talk because he has a job, Blaine gets all sad and lonely. Some guy named Eli is texting him, and next we see, Blaine is in NYC with Kurt, Rachel and Finn (pre-Rachel-Finn fight). When the 4 of them go to “Callbacks” (great name for a karaoke bar), Blaine sings this super depressing version of Teenage Dream. I missed the Warbler’s…

Kurt notices that that was really sad, and while they were walking home, the two have a little chat in which Blaine admits to cheating on Kurt. About this time, Klaine fans everywhere paused the show, got several pints of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy Ice Cream as well as a minimum of two boxes of Kleenax, and continued watching the show whilst sobbing uncontrollably. Several musical numbers, a bouquet of flowers, and the dramatic throwing away of the card that came with said flowers later, we still aren’t sure where they stand, but it can be assumed that they are no more. This is when those Kaine fans go to the nearest convenience store because they have now had all the chocolate they could find in their house, and they still have yet to drown their sorrows.

Finnchel have a more conclusive ending. After he won’t answer her calls, Rachel hops a flight to Lima, where Finn is visiting old friends. And by visiting I mean crying on the shoulders of without asking how they’re doing. Lea Michele’s best acting comes out here, and she talks at him for a little while, and then announces that they are done. Good. Please don’t kill me Glee fans, but I do not care for Finn. I think he’s a self-absorbed jerk who can’t even see how much of a self-absorbed jerk he is. Good riddance. Oh, and for the love of god, just become a teacher already. That’s the only thing you’re going to be happy doing. You are so dumb.

So, we’ll have to see what happens next in November. Which is really sad, because I was hoping for another Rocky Horror Glee Show-esque Halloween episode.

By the way, about The Voice this week, I'm pretty happy with it, and I love love LOVE the now stealing thingy. And I am soooo glad that Adam chose Melnie "breathy whisper voice" Martinez. Congratulations in advance for winning, Mr. Levine. 4 stars.  

Anyways, so what did you think? And if the answer is anything other that ‘Oh, I agree with you because you are so smart and insightful”, then lie.

                                                -Kisses, V.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Young Frankenstein (Nicci) & A Forward (Anatole)

Hello! I’m Anatole, and I know I haven’t posted anything yet, but I’m still alive. Anyways, I just wanted to let you all (and by “you all”, I mean the one person who sometimes accidentally clicks our link) know that we will be doing several Halloween-Themed Reviews throughout the month of October. The first one here is by Nicolette, and it’s a nice 70’s throwback to Young Frankenstein. Enjoy, and watch for the next Halloween Review!
                                ~Love and wishes of Gene Wilder jokes to you.
                                Anatole Moreau

Young Frankenstein
By: Nicolette Karter

        Gene Wilder, you are a comic genius. If I could do so without getting arrested, I would totally hug you. So, everyone knows the story of Frankenstein & his monster, but Mel Brooks puts a comedic twist on it; and in black & white, which I think is really cool.
        So, it starts out with Dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder) getting news that his late grandfather (whose research made the family name infamous) has bestowed everything to him. But Dr. F (as he will be called) has forsaken the family name, even pronouncing it Frah-nk-en-sh-teen instead of saying it correctly, so he is obviously not too happy about this turn of events. But for me, this turn of events lead to some questions. Like, were there no other family members to give all the dead guys possessions to? Such as one that hasn’t deserted the family name? And even though Dr. F & his grandfather didn’t get along or agree on their studies (they’re both scientists), is Dr. F not even a little sad to learn his grandfather (& apparently only relative) is dead?
        Anyway, Dr. F reluctantly agrees to leave his fiancée Elizabeth (played by the hilarious Madeline Kahn) check out this castle & meets Igor (the sidekick/assistant), Inga (the hot, ditzy assistant), and Frau “Ovaltine” Blucher (the housekeeper). While there, he finds secret passageways that lead to a finding of Dr. F’s grandfather’s book with all of his research & secrets to reanimation. This is when Dr. F accepts that this work isn’t so bad, & he will now attempt to make a Frankenstein monster himself. After running into the weird Inspector Kemp while grave digging (which is illegal), & after Igor acquires the wrong brain for the monster, Dr. F does the whole “I’m insane & dramatic, yet funny while yelling up here getting struck by lightning during the reanimation of my monster” as only Gene Wilder can pull off.
        Once the monster is alive, Dr. F finds out Igor gave him an idiot brain instead of a genius, like he was asked to get. So, while he was getting cheered up, the monster gets loose & wreaks havoc on the town. While I love funny movies nowadays, and stupid, gross dirty jokes are funny, I sometimes miss the humor of this part of the film. It’s silly, yes, but throughout the film there are jokes that aren’t, for lack of a better phrase, “dumbass jokes” if you know what I mean. Just clean humor that everyone can enjoy. Yes, the movie has dirty and stupid and gross jokes, but not just those kinds, which I think is cool of Mel Brooks. All of his films (that I’ve seen) have a combination of all of types of jokes. I also like how this film is entirely in black & white, as I said earlier.
        So, after Dr. F, his team & his monster reconcile, everyone already hates the monster, so the team all decide to teach the monster things, like talking normally. This is so Dr. F can have his esteemed colleagues get a look at the monster in a good light, & this will happen via musical number. This is a perfect example of that clean humor I was talking about. I love Gene Wilder, & I guess everyone else involved because this movie is fantastic. And perfect for a funny Halloween movie night.